
Turn Hours Into Seconds with Count Assist

You may have already heard the news by now. In fact, many of you are already using it. For everyone else, Groundplan is proud to announce Count Assist, our most highly requested feature to date. 

Now you can simply select a symbol, and within seconds, Groundplan will find the rest. If you’re in the Electrical, Security or Fire industries and you’re counting a large volume of symbols, this is for you.

Getting it right

We haven’t been very loud about this release - until now. We wanted to make sure we got it right. Really right.

Count Assist has been a theme for us internally here at Groundplan for a while now but not just for the development team. From Support to Training to Sales and Marketing, each department has contributed to ensuring that feedback from our beta testers has been considered, that testing has been rigorous and that the workflow has been optimised. 

Once we determined an initial workflow, a hand-picked group of existing Groundplan users were let loose to put Count Assist through its paces and provide feedback.

"Our team has been putting Count Assist through its paces and all I can say is … you've nailed it."
- Clint Hewish, Concept Electrical Estimating

Are there more features yet to come? Possibly. We’ll certainly be listening to feedback and doing what we can to make Count Assist all it can be.

Putting Count Assist to the test

It’s easy to be sceptical of our bold claims regarding just how much time can be saved by using Count Assist. 

In which case, checkout The Takeoff Champion takes on Count Assist.

The guys over at Concept Electrical Estimating recently took on Count Assist to see just how much faster it could be over their fastest estimator.

Hint: To count 281 symbols, the fastest time was 0:57 minutes, the second fastest time was 6:58 minutes.

Explained in 30 seconds

Ok, so enough mansplaining. We’re so confident you’ll pick it up in no time that we’ve condensed our explanation of what it does into this 30-second video.

Free 14-Day Count Assist trial

Count Assist features and pricing.

Existing Groundplan users can get underway with their 14-Day Free Trial of Count Assist right now by simply contacting our Support team.

For everyone else, Get Started with your Free Trial of Groundplan.

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