Case Studies

From Piles of Paperwork to a Streamlined Digital Process

Holby Electrical, a Queensland-based electrical contractor specialising in building new homes for the domestic market, is no stranger to the fast-paced world of electrical contracting and the importance of accuracy and efficiency that comes with it.

When traditional estimating methods started to affect the company’s productivity and resources, Holby Electrical’s Business Manager Andrea knew it was time to make a change to their process. 

In the following case study we learn how Groundplan helped Holby Electrical streamline their quoting process. So much so, that now  anyone - regardless of their contracting experience - can quote a job.

From Paper Mountains to Digital Efficiency

Andrea joined Holby Electrical five years ago, and found the workspace was dominated by towering piles of paperwork. This old-fashioned method of counting and estimating using a pen and highlighter led to inefficiencies and errors. 

Holby Electrical enlisted the help of Modus Operandi, a business consulting firm that recommended Groundplan.

With no experience in counting plans or estimating, Andrea was unsure if the product was the right fit but she could see potential. After a demonstration from one of Groundplan’s experienced trade experts, she decided to sign up for a trial. Andrea, with a background in accounting, had no prior experience with quoting electrical jobs. After being introduced to Groundplan, she discovered how it could revolutionise their existing process. Despite the owner, Zac, having trouble seeing the potential at first, the transition to Groundplan quickly proved its worth.

Holby Electrical tradesman working in kitchen

The old way: struggling with outdated methods and inaccurate counts

Every job at Holby Electrical is based on a plan. For companies handling 40-70 jobs a month, using traditional paper/highlighter methods to count plans can significantly multiply inefficiencies.

Soon Andrea realised that basing their quotes on incorrect Purchase Orders from builders was becoming a recurring problem. Missing any item in the initial stage had a ripple effect; even a single missing item required a variation and a return visit to the site, resulting in a significant amount of additional labour.

"Every single job we are involved in is based on a plan. All too often, we would receive Purchase Orders from builders, but they weren't correct. Missing any item in the initial stage has a flow-on effect. You could miss just one fan, and a variation is required, along with a return visit to the site. That's a lot of labour."

Andrea realised that Groundplan could help them quantify their plans to ensure accuracy.

“If we could do our own counts and ensure the count was correct, we'd save a lot of time in return visits and creating variations.”
Holby Electrical tradesperson working

Seamless integration with Simpro

One of the significant advantages of Groundplan is its integration with Simpro. With pre-builds and costings already configured, anyone can count a job in Groundplan, regardless of their experience.

"Counting Simpro pre-builds makes the process straightforward.”

Simplified and efficient processes

Holby Electrical’s setup involves multiple Stages: Undergrounds, Pre-wire, Cut and Strip, Fitoff, and Appliances, with 20 to 30 measurements per stage. They don't count from the Purchase Order; instead, they count first and then check it against the Purchase Order. 

The onboarding process with Groundplan was smooth, and Andrea praises the support and training teams. 

"It's like having a personal assistant. This high level of support has been instrumental in making the transition seamless.”

Positive Outcomes and Ongoing Benefits

Since implementing Groundplan, the benefits have been substantial. The accuracy has improved significantly, and the company has seen a notable reduction in labour hours. 

"The process simplifies everything, even for someone with no construction background. We couldn't be happier with the product; we have nothing but good things to say."

Owner Zac, once sceptical, is now a convert. Holby Electrical’s transition from a paper-based system to using Groundplan’s plan count software showcases the profound impact of technology on improving accuracy in quotes in the electrical contracting industry. Andrea's experience shows that anyone, even without a contracting background, can successfully quote jobs with the help of Groundplan's easy-to-use and supportive features.

We'd like to thank Andrea for her time and insights into how Groundplan has simplified Holby Electrical’s quoting process.

Visit: Holby Electrical website.

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