About ServiceM8

Smart job management for tradies & services.

Take control and work smarter from the client’s first call through to scheduling, quoting, job completion, invoicing and payment.

ServiceM8 integration with Groundplan

The ServiceM8 Integration with Groundplan covers:

  • Add Materials and Bundles from ServiceM8 as Measurements in Groundplan
  • Add new ServiceM8 Materials from Groundplan
  • Push Groundplan Quantities to a new or existing job in ServiceM8 Job

Sync Materials Seamlessly

Use ServiceM8 Materials and Bundles as Measurements in Groundplan to build an accurate Bill Of Quantities.

To connect: You'll need both a ServiceM8 and a Groundplan account. In settings, you’ll find the option to connect the integration.

Once connected, ServiceM8 Materials and Bundles become available as Groundplan Measurements, making it easy to count and measure items on your plans. Once complete, push your calculated quantities back to ServiceM8.

Build Your Quotes Faster

With Groundplan and ServiceM8, creating accurate Quotes has never been easier.

As you’re counting and measuring, Groundplan automatically generates your Bill of Quantities.

When you’re ready, push your quantities back to ServiceM8 to create a new job or update an existing one—all without double handling or manual data entry.

Use ServiceM8 with Count Assist

For jobs with detailed plans and lots of Symbols, Groundplan’s Count Assist feature is your secret weapon.

Whether you're in Plumbing, Electrical or Landscaping, Count Assist takes the hassle out of creating accurate measurements for your ServiceM8 jobs.

Learn more about Count Assist

Are you ready to trial Groundplan?

Optimise your estimating process by signing up for our 14-day free trial.
With expert training we’ll ensure you get the most from your takeoff estimating software.