Fast, Accurate Estimating

Designed Specifically for Trade Businesses.
Quickly Count Points, Measure Lengths and Calculate Surface Areas.
Takeoff Software Review
Estimating Software Review
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2. Count, Measure & Calculate

For Sparkies: 
Count single items such as GPO's and downlights.

For Plumbers: Measure trenches & lengths of pipe.

For Painters: Calculate the square meterage of every wall & ceiling.

Pro Tip: Add formulas to calculate your own labour and materials figures into every click.

"I thought I had a spreadsheet that did everything. I was so wrong.
It was incredible to the difference in Groundplan."

Integrated Powerhouse

Why Groundplan?

Trusted by more than 2,000 businesses in 10 countries.

When you're evaluating takeoff software, be sure it ticks all
the boxes.

Accessible from anywhere

From home, the office or in the field, use any device to access your Plans. Collaborate with your remote team while watching changes happening in real time.

A New Level of Support

Every new user receives an hour of free training.
Ongoing Support is available by phone, email or chat within the app.

Focused on Usability

Groundplan has been designed with tradies in mind. It's fast, powerful and simple so you can get your Takeoff done in record time.

One Secure Location for Everything

Immediately eliminate printing costs.
Rest assured you won’t ever lose track of your plans or tender documents every again.

Xero, simPRO, AroFlo integrations

We integrate with industry-leading Job Management and Accounting software to provide you a seamless end-to-end estimating and job management solution.

Export to Excel

Once you have finished your takeoff estimates, export your bill of quantities directly to excel or push to a quote via one of our software integrations.