Ascora Job Management

Ascora allows you to manage Maintenance and Project Jobs, Recurring Jobs and Equipment Servicing.

Automate your business with Ascora. A complete Job Management system designed to manage your trade business workflow. From quoting, scheduling and job management and to inventory and invoices.

Integration with Ascora Job Management Software
The Ascora integration with Groundplan covers:
  • Inventory Supplies
  • Inventory Kits
  • Inventory Categories
  • Customers
  • Quote Description
  • Quote Status

Count Ascora Supplies & Kits

Once connected, your Ascora Supplies and Kits are available as Groundplan Measurements.

Add a new Count, Length or Area Measurement to count your Ascora items in Groundplan.

The name of the item, along with the Cost and Sell prices are brought across from Ascora.

Push to a new or existing Quote

In Groundplan, once your Takeoff is complete, review your Quantities then push your bill of quantities through to Ascora to create a Quote.

You can choose to create a new quote, or update an existing one, then assign the quote to a new or existing Customer.

Use Ascora with Count Assist

So, we know that your Ascora Supplies and Kits Groundplan appear as Groundplan Measurements, therefore if you have large plans with loads of Symbols, it's the ideal scenario to introduce Count Assist!

If you're in the Electrical, Fire or Security industry, this may be the answer to your prayers.

Learn more about Count Assist

Are you ready to trial Groundplan?

Optimise your estimating process by signing up for our 14-day free trial.
With expert training we’ll ensure you get the most from your takeoff estimating software.